Certifiably MaD

fighters against 'garchy E: 118

Mike & Dave Season 1 Episode 118

Hello folks. We have returned! That means we escaped the clutches of the demons for another week! Rejoice! Their system is crumbling under the weight of its own idiocy! Rejoice! Power to humanity! Anyways folks, we come to you from CMAD headquarters south where there are a shit ton of people living with no meaning whatsoever, what a crying shame. Maybe they'll tune it to get informed. There was a bunch of evil ass shit that transpired this week and we'll get into a few of the issues. Why do our leaders thrive on war? Simple question right? Shouldn't intelligent people be anti war? As america drags the world closer to wwiii all we can do is keep our side of the street clean folks. Think local and say your prayers! Shame on our politicians! Rejoice!